sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2014

My Absurdist Play

"We Unite Under our Flag" - the concept we had to follow to produce this short play in our Drama Lesson. 

My play in a nutshell
This story is based on the life of a group of adolescents (of about 17 years old) sorrounded by new, emerging ideas. In the play you will be able to see the struggle of all human beings represented by five girls - Esmeralda, Melody, Julia and Anabella. In this case Katrana (the image of this religion) will create more than just an argument between them where the winner will just make the others fall to her thoughts and beliefs.

“Masses follow fashionable phenomenons without knowing what these involve, which leads to chaos and breakdown of social order once each one gives it his/her personal twist”

Some information about my play

  • STYLE: Absurdist (or Theatre of the absurd)
  • THEME: Spiritual Society
  • GENRE: Dystopia
  • CAST: Valentina Abreu Salomon, Candela Pedace, Luna LEveratto, Paloma Moreno, and me.

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